What is your definition of good partner ?

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What do I look in a woman ? It’s a long list but simple to me. I can summarize it with this: belly full, balls empty, sleep cuddling in peace

My ideal woman is a moving target but I can tell you my deal breakers


3 different levels

  • Good girlfriend:
    • intellectual conversation
    • ambition
    • love and attention to give
    • freak time all the time
  • Mother of my kids
  • Financially savy
    • will multiply our wealth or at least know how to maintain it
  • Intercourse
    • as naturally freaky as possible
    • if I have to ask for a BJ then that's a no no

Interview questions

  • Sex
    • How much a day, a week is enough ?
    • How important do you think it is in a relationship ?
  • Spirituality
    • Do you believe in a supreme Deity, one and only ?
    • What does your everyday practice look like ?
    • I grew up muslim. Didn’t know the difference with spirituality until recently
    • I did and still do a lot of research myself and pray to be guided
    • How does your every day practice look like?
  • Money
    • How much is enough for you a month ?
    • Do you have basis financial education ?
    • What's your mo
  • Past / Future
    • longest relationship ?
      • reason of breakup ?
      • how far in the future did you projected yourself together ?
      • what makes you think it will be different this time ?


  • no smash and dash
  • befriend someone
  • don't get me wrong, smashing would be a great addition

Job offer

  • who am i ?
    • young man, looking for a care taker
  • who are you ?
    • woman 18-25
    • high school graduate
    • speaks fluently french and or english
    • cook delicious meal
    • want a lady that will keep my belly full and my balls empty
    • mature enough to have meaningful conversation
  • Main job
    • cook
    • clean
    • sex
  • Description
    • man pays for sex one way or another
    • in exchange, you get free living and pocket money $300 allowance (Senegal budget)
    • you will live in a furnished studio
    • you are free to have outside activities: business, studies, errands
  • How to apply ?
    • 90s video presentation explaining why you are a good fit
    • Send email to [email protected]