Push notifications on mobile
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Push notifications on mobile
Here we're working with an Android app (kotlin) backed by an ExpressJS server (nodejs/typescript)
- Create a pusher account
- what is pusher ?
- get credentials (appId, appKey, cluster)
- Server: initialize and emit event
- App: listen to event and display notification
private fun setUpPusher(authUser: User) {
val options = PusherOptions()
val pusher = Pusher(BuildConfig.PUSHER_KEY, options)
pusher.connect(object : ConnectionEventListener {
override fun onConnectionStateChange(change: ConnectionStateChange) {
Log.i("Pusher", "State changed from $change.previousState to $change.currentState")
override fun onError(message: String, code: String,e: Exception) {
Log.e("Pusher", """
There was a problem connecting!
code: $code
message: $message
Exception: $e
}, ConnectionState.ALL)
// this is the global channel. Will be useful for global event
// val channel: Channel = pusher.subscribe(BuildConfig.PUSHER_CHANNEL)
// this is a user specific channel
val privateChannel = BuildConfig.PUSHER_USER_CHANNEL.replace(":user", authUser.id)
val channel: Channel = pusher.subscribe(privateChannel)
channel.bind("order.new", { event ->
Log.i("Pusher", "Received event order.new with data: $event")
val payload = JSONObject(event.data)
val message = payload.getString("message")
channel.bind("order.ready", { event ->
Log.i("Pusher", "Received event order.ready with data: $event")
val payload = JSONObject(event.data)
val message = payload.getString("message")
val order = payload.getJSONObject("order")
val orderId = order.getString("id")
runOnUiThread {
messageSuccess(String.format("%s for order id %s", message, orderId))
- First problem: user won't receive notification when app is closed To solve this we can spin a service that would be running as long as user is registered. That service would run in the background, even when the app is not opened just like you are receiving a notification when someone shoot you a DM on twitter, facebook or instagram
- Wrap up
- Here we're using it just to display a notification:
- to the restaurant manager when an order has been passed
- to the customer when the order has been processed and ready Keep in mind that we could've used pusher for real time purpose. Examples:
- Here we're using it just to display a notification:
- real time chat like whatsapp,
- create/update data and show it live as it is happening
- update UI accordingly that way user won't have to refresh to see the changes